woman working

For the last five years, the economic lens has been focused on millennials. What they buy, where they work, and how they entertain themselves have all been under great scrutiny by big corporations. Companies want to understand how to hire and train them, and brands want to attract their attention in relation to the rise of technology and social media. However, these companies should be looking ahead to the next generation coming to the workforce; Gen Z.

Gen Z has little patience for things that don’t work as intended right off the bat. Many younger people these days have no memory of a time when the internet was slow or when it had to be accessed from the “computer room” of the house. This constant access to information and communication means they’ve never really needed to wait for anything to work. If something is slow, they’ll move on. If they get an error, they won’t come back. Many brands are spending money on building exceptional mobile sites and experiences for their younger audience. Gen Z-ers want to use technology that’s cutting edge and fast — if a company uses software that’s over a decade old, they won’t be particularly excited to work for that company. To keep this younger audience engaged, make sure your website (as well as your products and services!) are up-to-date and running smoothly, and if you’re looking to hire the younger generation, see what can be updated within your day-to-day mechanisms.

Many Gen Z-ers may not know this, but every time they watch a YouTube video or like a tweet from their favorite social media influencer, they’re studying the art of having a personal brand online. This puts a lot of power in the hands of the users, as these hours spent studying branding online allows them to see right through blatant advertising. Gen Z-ers don’t pay attention to ads anymore, they pay attention to value. If you want your advertising to work on this generation, this is something you will have to take into account, and you may need to strengthen your brand voice online. Audiences respond positively to their favorite influencers sponsoring a brand, so it may even be helpful to reach out to influencers to strike up a deal. Many brands are doing it and seeing successful numbers.

One of the biggest trends that millennials and Gen Z-ers alike have brought to the table is their conscientiousness for the way their actions affect the world. Over 75% of Gen Z-ers are concerned about the planet and are aware of the impact made by mankind. Consumers are starting to buy exclusively from brands that help make the world a better place through donations, conservation efforts, and outreach work. People want products from companies that are socially responsible — ones that source their materials ethically to care for the environment and the people living there. Your company needs to make a statement that helps better the world, whether it’s about giving back via donations or being aware of how sustainably your product is created. People will want to work for a company that they can stand behind on morals.

Gen Z as a whole spends more hours watching videos online than ever before. Over 30% of them watch at least an hour each day. Brands need to start investing in this medium if they want to stay ahead of the game. It’s going to take time to figure out what resonates with your audience, so the best time to start is now. Millennials and Gen Z-ers can get frustrated with companies that don’t know the difference between pandering and providing actual engaging content — content that’s entertaining or informative. See what the worlds of YouTube ads and informational vlogs (video blogs) have to offer for your company. You can share information about your company does as well as what it’s like to work at your company.

Succeeding in getting the attention of a new generation is all about adapting. Companies need to be able to figure out what consumers are into today to figure out the trends of tomorrow. With things changing so quickly in a rapidly evolving world, staying ahead of the competition and even ahead of your audience is the only thing that will show progress in your business and this trickles down to hiring quality talent. People spend much of their time at work and if the company they work for doesn’t fit their standards, they’re likely to look elsewhere.