When it comes to an interview, questions are the workhorse of finding the perfect match for your opening position and company. But, not all positions or interview questions are equal. Tailoring your interviewing toward the specific role and type of candidate you’re in search of can be the difference between success and failure. The best interview questions draw out a person’s skills, work ethic, personality, and career vision as it relates to your organization and the position. You can also determine how the candidate will interact with your team and perform in your work environment.

Property management recruiting, while similar to standard recruiting, tasks companies with finding those ideal candidates who know the industry or who have the skillset to succeed. Even with such a tight-knit community, figuring out who’s right for your property can be tougher than it seems. Property managers are required to have a specific set of skills coupled with a strong customer service focus. Finding that blend during the interview process can be tough if you don’t tailor your questions to the type of employee you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a property manager, you always want to keep questions open-ended to create a dialogue during the interview, so you can assess their qualifications. Here are a few key questions to ask to find the perfect property manager.

Tell me about your experience building and managing successful teams. Property managers have to manage employees with a wide range of personalities and skillsets. In addition, they must have the ability to interact with potential and current residents in a professional manager. The stronger the ability to build a successful team, the more positive impact on staff, residents and the overall company reviews.

Tell me about your leadership and communication style. Why is it effective? Because property managers interact with a variety of people, they have to be great communicators and leaders. Leading a team is something that can’t necessarily be trained and ensuring your potential property manager is an effective leader is crucial.

Tell me about a time you failed at something and how you turned that around. Everyone fails at something during their career. The way someone deals with failure is the difference between a great employee and an average one. Property managers encounter a variety of challenges on a daily basis and being able to roll with the punches is key in their, and your property’s, success.

If you’re on the hunt for a perfect property manager, let MSB Resources help. Our guarantee period, coupled with our extensive industry experience ensures that we’ll find you the ideal fit for your property. Contact us today to find out more!