Bernadette started her property management career with TGM in 2009 as a bookkeeper/leasing agent and worked her way up to regional property coordinator (essentially an assistant RPM). TGM eliminated her position due to redistribution and sale of the properties. Brad at MSB was their go to recruitment firm and hired her on at MSB 4 years ago – the rest is history!

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Independent, loyal and #1…SARCASTIC!

It’s a typical Saturday afternoon at 2pm, what are you doing?

Sporting events for the kids.

Where is the best place you have traveled and why?

Niagara Falls! I am 100% a beach person and usually stick to what I know. My son and I went to Niagara this summer and I cannot get over the amazement of being able to feel the falls. MUST SEE!

What characteristic to you most admire in others?

Hard working and honesty are tied for the top.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

This may sound crazy to some but I would go back to bartending. I LOVED my days as a bartender and would go back in a second. But only for a day. I can’t handle the 4 am bed time anymore.

What is the last gift you gave someone?

I am the absolute worst gift giver in the whole world but the last gift I bought was a 12 pack of pineapple soda for my son. (Niagara was his real gift but he needed something to open and was thrilled!)

If you could give advice to your 13-year-old self, what would you say?

Believe in yourself and stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks. Be confident. Ignore the people putting you down. You got this girl! Stick with softball – You’re way better at that than soccer.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you:

To people who see my work and running of a household I seem like I have it together, but I am a complete unorganized mess. Somehow, I just get it all together at the last minute.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?

See the Grand Canyon (with children.) Go to Ibiza (without children haha.) Wear an amazing and super expensive wedding dress.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my accomplishments in life. My professional success, owning my own home and my number one accomplishment…my two children.