Finding the perfect employee for your organization is a great start to a long and prosperous relationship for you both. However, many companies overlook the fact that employee retention starts on day one. First impressions matter and this statement is no different when it comes to welcoming your new employee aboard. Making a new hire feel like they’re welcoming and that they’ve made the right choice in joining your team is crucial to keeping them around – even on the first day! Did you know that 54 percent of workers note a “mishap” on their first day at a new job? That number is staggering!

Your onboarding procedure can make all the difference in keeping new employees happy. If a new employee shows up to work on the first day and their desk lacks supplies, their computer isn’t set up, or they don’t have a chance to meet coworkers, they can feel left out and unguided. This reflects badly on your organization and makes it seem like you don’t have it “together.” In fact, 4 percent of new hires actually leave a job after a rough first day. Don’t let your lack of formal onboarding lead you to lose qualified talent.

Perception is reality and a new employee may perceive your onboarding process a different way than you do. A way to combat this issue is to give your new employee a dedicated person that’s responsible for their onboarding – a champion if you will. This person can take ownership of coordinating all the different departments need to onboard an employee from IT to simply meeting the rest of the team and getting a sense of the working environment. The champion can also answer any questions the new hire may have and make sure they aren’t confused or bored.

Another way to make the orientation process more interesting for new hires is to immediately make them feel included. This could be accomplished through providing them with a company swag bag, challenging them with a company scavenger hunt, or simply creating a list of small goals that they can easily accomplish within a short timeframe. The key is to make the new hire feel like they’re a part of the team from day one. When employees feel like they have a stake in the company and are truly welcomed and needed, they’re less likely to look for a new opportunity.

If you’re on the hunt for the perfect employee, let MSB Resources help. With years of experience in recruiting, we’re ready to match your open position with the ideal fit.